ITI in partnership with "Work for Life" begins a phase of empowering poorest of the poor, including youth, women and elderly, to become self-sufficient through entrepreneurship training.
Work for Life, a US-based Non-profit organisation is now working in Uganda and exist to Empower, Equip and Engage in the battle for poverty elimination, through an Entrepreneur Development Program. This organisation was founded by a group of business leaders in Austin, Texas, with an interest in using businesses to help improve the lives of people living in poverty.
In an effort to improve the economic capacity of young individuals and women, ITI, with technical and financial support from Work for Life has, since February 2018, engaged in training 36 community-based trainers in entrepreneurship. Our hope is that this knowledge is not only used to create businesses that will alleviate them from poverty but will also be used to empower other individuals.

Empowering Leaders:
ITI intends to train 50 community-based trainers with entrepreneurship skills and knowledge so that, they are able to train 2,000 other rural and peri-urban poor individuals including unemployed youth, women and elderly through a village-based savings and credit scheme (VSLA), model. The program will enable community-based trainers with information to engage in the challenges they face when starting, managing and sustaining a business.
