Mama Catherine Children’s Home is located in Bwerenga village, Kisubi parish in Katabi Sub County in Wakiso District. It was founded by Catherine and her husband Pastor Ernest. They do not have any biological child but had always wanted to have children in their lives. It was this love for children and motivation that inspired them to begin a home for orphans, the abandoned and needy children with an aim of giving them love, care and provide them with education, food, medical care and accommodation like their own children. Catherine envisaged helping the less-privileged children from their physical and spiritual poverty so that they grow up emotionally, physically and spiritually empowered.
Visiting the home, it was evident that there were several difficulties. There are many terrifying realities in Bwerenga community that continue to force countless children resort to streets around the nearby fishing village. Some of these include domestic violence, death of parents or abandoned, or simply belonging to dysfunctional families.
Summary of the problem - an evaluation was conducted by ITI staff and documented the following issues:
The orphanage receives abandoned children who do not have parents or guardians. Some of these children are left at the orphanage gate by unknown people at night. Some of who are months old babies
The orphanage doesn’t have any sustainable source of income. It depends on Church support and friends. Such incomes aren’t sustainable to provide the orphanage with its daily core needs
The children lack medical care. When children fall sick, they aren’t treated when funds aren’t available. Sometimes, they take children for treatment on credit until funds are available
Children who are in secondary schools need tuition and school needs. Unless such children get sponsors, they risk dropping out of school
They lack enough clothes for daily use and for Church
Beddings aren’t enough because the number keeps increasing
The food is often not enough to meet the quantity, quality and nutritional requirements
Cleaning materials, detergents, toiletries are often not enough and these are required on a daily basis to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation
The cost of utilities especially water and electricity keep increasing. Sometimes, such services are disconnected. An orphanage operating without water and light is challenging
The solution at this time:
A needs assessment was conducted with the community to discuss appropriate mechanism to support the orphanage. It was agreed that a Poultry/Chicken project was ideal in the local economy to support the orphanage with consistent supply of income.
As ITI does not provide handout cash, our team contacted various sponsors. Consequently, in June and July, a chicken coup was constructed and provided with feeding equipment, lighting and 200 broilers. In October, the orphanage begun selling their first stock with each chicken sold at US$4. They expected to generate at least $800 for every phase (every 3 months). After paying salary for the attendants, feeding and treatment costs, they expect to make a profit of $320 every phase.
This initiative will guarantee $1,280 profit per annum, sufficient to complement other sources to buy food in times of crisis, clothing, medical care and pay for utilities such a water, electricity, as well as other immediate needs.
Appreciation goes to “I believe in Uganda” Ottawa Mission Teams of June and July 2017 that mobilized sufficient funds to construct, equip and stock the chicken project. It wouldn’t have been possible without you, your families and friends who donated towards this life changing cause!
