I am 25 years old. I live in Namyoya Village in Nakifuma Sub County, Nagallama County, in Mukono District. My children are my life. They bring so much joy into my life. Stecia Awere is 9 years-old, Ocho Junior is 7, Okecho Brian is 5, and Owino Derek is 2 years-old. My husband abandoned us in a tiny grass thatched single room house, five years ago. He only returned 3 years ago, for 4 days, and left me pregnant. We haven’t seen him ever since. He left us with no food, no property and no care. The house was leaking. We only had 4 plates, 5 cups and 4 saucepans. We didn't have a kitchen nor a latrine.
Life was hard. I know women can understand what I mean. I have done several sorts of work to make sure my children survive. I worked in other people’s banana plantations in order to get some money to buy food. We survived on porridge and sometimes posho without sauce for months. It was tough, I cried, and no one was there to help me. My parents had died, I had no one to run to, my in-laws abandoned us, no one could listen to us or help. But through all this, I never gave up praying. I prayed, prayed and prayed. I didn’t get tired. All I prayed for, was a strong grass thatched shelter with two rooms separating the boys and the girls. I knew my sons will not remain young, and didn’t want them to keep sharing a room with their mom and sisters. I needed a consistent supply of food, education and better clothing for my children.
In April 2017, I was told that my family was selected by the community for possible assistance. I provided all the information the officers asked. They didn’t promise me anything, but that same night, my heart was filled with hope. I knew whoever, brought the two men to my home, will keep bringing them back. In June, I received news that some visitors were coming to see me. On the 12th of June, I met five beautiful women of God. They blessed us with food and groceries. Little did I know that a miracle was awaiting.
A few days later, I was told the BEST news in my whole life that Mrs. Cindy wanted to sponsor my family. A few weeks later, I was told that, she decided to build for me a three-bedroom mud house with a living room, provide me with livestock, bedding, solar electricity, seeds and monthly sponsorship for three years. This was a dream come true. My house, is now under construction, my children are in school, we have better clothing and our own gardens.
Thank you Cindy, Thank you ITI Uganda. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.

Cindy and my family

Progress on the new house