The revolving Livestock continue to impact the lives of the poorest of the poor households in Kamwenge and Kabarole communities:
Over the past 2 years, over 110 families have benefited from pigs, goats and chicken. This number is expected to double in the next one year. During the initial stage, the project did not provide the immediate results that were envisaged. Most piglets were under 3 months old, “sharing the blessing events were postponed until a year later but also at a limited scale. 2018, has been a great year, over 26 new families received at least 4 chickens each, 23 new families received 2 pigs each and 12 new families received a goat each. Overall, 61 new families with 325 household members mostly widows, youth and children benefited from this intervention. By December 2018, at least 110 households with 596 members have been supported with revolving livestock with one beneficiary sharing a blessing with another needy family at a time. The project was supported by the Jamison family and Believe in Uganda mission group. The project aimed at providing poorest of the poor families with opportunities to begin income generating projects, improving farm productivity and food security at household level. It also entailed motivating rural active-poor women to participate in strengthening their household’s economic status by initiating self-help enterprises that will contribute to increased incomes, promote community cohesion through the process of revolving and sharing livestock.
Characteristics of the targeted beneficiaries:
The targeted households live in the vicious cycle of poverty and earn less than a dollar per day.
They eat one meal a day, the children are malnourished due to lack of sufficient food nutrients which affects their learning abilities and overall growth.
These families face rampant hunger and its associated problems.
Very low income levels, poverty and diseases.
Lack of access to social infrastructure and income generation opportunities.
Lack of drought resistant seeds and planting materials.
Poor farming practices which leads to soil exhaustion, low production and environmental degradation.
Ignorance and illiteracy.
Limited labor force, especially in child headed households, elderly headed families and HIV/AIDS affected families.
Lack of orientation to commercial farming, lack of information and Government support.
Lack of competitive market and price fluctuations.
Poor saving culture due to lack of financial education in most communities.
Lack of cooperative farmer groups or associations
Persistent dry seasons due to climatic changes.
Initial Objectives:
To provide pigs, goats and chicken to neediest families facing hunger, malnutrition and lack of alternative income sources.
To enable poorest of the poor begin self-help household based projects to ensure access to basic necessities such as medical care, food supplies, clothing and school supplies.
Train beneficiaries in agrobusiness management and record keeping.
Quantifiable Results:
76 Pigs were provided to 38 poorest of the poor families.
40 goats were provided to 26 poorest of the poor families.
164 chickens were provided to 46 poorest of the poor families.
110 households with 596 members were sensitized in livestock micro-business management, animal husbandry and record keeping.
6 piglets died before their first birth month. 2 were cannibalized by their mother a few days after birth.
4 pigs were stolen from their pigsty, 2 goats were stolen from the loafing pen, 3 chicken were eaten by wild animals.
In line with the initial signed agreement between ITI and the beneficiary, beneficiaries were made to buy and replace the lost livestock.
Prayer Request:
Additional livestock for 90 newly enrolled poorest of the poor families in 3 new villages in Kanimi (Kamwenge), Rutete (Kabarole) and Namyoya (Mukono).
A pig ($43)
A goat ($52)
A chicken ($7)
Sponsor will receive an event handover picture and details of recipient family.
Supporting educational group trainings in agro-business and financial literacy for beneficiary families.
$2 per family/month
Support monthly monitoring visits at household level for proper follow-up and onsite guidance.
$2 per family/month