Read more about our Sartorial and Stock the Store Project:
Gift giving is an act that can show that you are not only thankful but also thinking about someone special in your life. The receiver will truly feel your gratitude when you give gifts for elevating happiness and wellbeing especially during this festive season.
Over the past years, ITI has been blessed to partner with compassionate friends who have sponsored and donated material and non-material gifts to the most vulnerable children and families in Uganda.
Through stock the store project, 36 neediest families have been able to receive groceries including bread, sugar, cooking oil, bathing soap, laundry soap and other detergents, lotions, tooth brushes and paste, tea leaves, blue band and jelly, peanut butter, salt, macaroni for making pasta, cookies, rice and posho flour etc. Some families may receive special Christmas gifts including livestock, a home for the family, bedding, mattresses, beds, mosquito nets etc.
The program has been able to provide clothing to over 66 poorest of the poor families. These gifts would be carefully selected, organized and packaged according to family demographics by our partners in the US and delivered to their homes by ITI staff.
You may not understand the joy, a simple gift would bring in the life of a window and her children or a child without parents until you witness it first hand or listen to a story of someone who has been to Uganda and met them. A gift is never small, it’s a gesture of love, given out from the heart and with a smile.
Our team of missionaries and friends in the United States, led by Debbie Damron with her supportive husband John has been able to collect, buy, sort, organize and deliver beautiful clothes for children, women and men to give out to families. It’s such a rewarding and emotional moment for both the receiver and giver.
Would you please consider blessing a needy family with a gift this Christmas holiday or support the end of year sponsored children’s seminar/party? If you feel compelled to help or for more information on how you can get involved, please visit our website www.itiuganda.org or contact our International Coordinators;
USA Europe
Debbie Damron Diana Matias
Ddcily3@gmail.com diana.matias@gmail.com
Dianne Jamison Stefano Rao
dmjiowa@yahoo.com stefano.rao@gmail.com
